About Me

Crysten Caviness
Instructional Technology Specialist
Birdville ISD

As an Instructional Technology Specialist, my number one goal is to work with teachers and administrators to ensure that the students of Birdville ISD are engaged in the classroom while learning content curriculum through the 21st century skills: collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem solving, and creativity and innovation.

Technology offers new ways of approaching teaching and learning that do more than just replicate the "old ways." Through technology tools, learning can transform and give students experiences that we never had in school. Oftentimes, technology provides a way to offer authenticity to a lesson because it allows students to apply their learning in real-world settings. It can bring novelty to increase engagement, but it can also help to make learning more valuable for both the teacher and student. The days of rote memorization and drilling are behind us because when students can internalize and interact with their learning, true mastery can be achieved.

Why should we now Teach2.0? Because it works! When students are engaged in authentic learning, they are better behaved, more motivated and are able to reach a level of understanding that the old "sage on the stage" type of education just can't offer.

Teach2.0: preparing Birdville ISD students for success in the 21st Century :)

On a more personal note, I have been married to David for five years. We have been together since we were 16 years old! We now have a toddling son named Devon and a baby girl named Zoë, both of whom light up our lives.

I taught English IV, AP Language and Composition and Journalism at Haltom High School for four years before becoming an ITS. I loved everything about teaching in the classroom, but now I am excited to get to work with teachers to help transform learning for more students than I ever could have impacted on my own.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from TCU in 2005 with a B.A. in English and minor in Education.